•Mennonites Central Committee Mennonite Central Committee is a relief, service, and peace agency representing fifteen Mennonite, Brethren in Christ and Amish bodies in North America. The U.S. headquarters are in Akron, Pennsylvania, the Canadian in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Mennonite Central Comm – mcc.org
•Third Way Third Way is a centrist think tank that offers fresh thinking and modern solutions to the most challenging problems in U.S. public policy, including the economy. thirdway.com/mennonites/
•Ohio Conference Supporting healthy, growing congregations. Worship. We worship Jesus as the one God sent to save us and restore us. ohiomennoniteconference.org/
•Ohio Relief Sale The Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale is a benefit auction held annually on the first Saturday in August. The sale is staffed solely by volunteers and proceeds go to missions. www.ohiomccreliefsale.org/
•Trades of Hope Trades of Hope is empowering women out of poverty through the purchases of our artisan’s products. https://www.mytradesofhope.com/