
What We Believe

PeaceMennonites believe in the centrality and inspiration of the Bible and in Jesus Christ as the one sent by God to bring reconciliation between the Creator and a broken world. Mennonites share essential core beliefs with Christians of Catholic and Protestant and Evangelical persuasions. We emphasize the connections between faith, words and actions. We believe baptism and church membership should be voluntary.

Mennonites believe peacebuilding is an achievable way of life. Because God is loving and just, Mennonites feel called to live lives that reflect this reality. We believe that peace and wholeness are real possibilities in time and space. It is how God intends us to live here and now, and we have been given all of the necessary tools to achieve this through our faith in Jesus Christ.

What We Believe section taken from Who Are The Mennonites? brochure, © 2004 Mennonite Church USA

Summit Mennonite Church is affiliated with Mennonite Church USA, the Ohio Conference of the Mennonite Church.

Mennonite U.S. contact information and links

•Mennonites Central Committee  Mennonite Central Committee is a relief, service, and peace agency representing fifteen Mennonite, Brethren in Christ and Amish bodies in North America. The U.S. headquarters are in Akron, Pennsylvania, the Canadian in Winnipeg, Manitoba.‎

•Third Way Third Way engages those who seek information online about Mennonites, and serves as a portal for those who seek to live out their Christian faith through Anabaptist values such as simple living, acts of service, and an emphasis on community, justice and peace.

•Ohio Conference Supporting healthy, growing congregations. Worship. We worship Jesus as the one God sent to save us and restore us.

•Ohio Relief Sale The Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale is a benefit auction held annually on the first Saturday in August. The sale is staffed solely by volunteers and proceeds go to missions.





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