
Sunday Morning service at 10:15 a.m.

At the heart of Summit Mennonite is worshipjoy-filled sharing of gifts, wisdom and life experience, representing the full diversity of the congregation, all to the glory of God.

Consider this your invitation to a fellowship of believers that provides an atmosphere for developing a personal relationship with Christ and with one another. You’ll be valued and encouraged to use your talents and abilities. At Summit we minister to one another and to the community spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We strive to proclaim Christ as Lord of our lives in both word and deed.

A conscious effort is made to blend worship and music styles, mixing hymns and choruses, instrumental and vocal, lively and contemplative.


Jesus Followers: We follow God’s model of peace, actively seeking God’s loving justice in our life together as a congregation, in our community, and throughout all of creation.

Welcoming & Affirming: God calls us to invite and affirm people of any race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, age, economic status, or life situation into full participation in any aspect of the congregation.

Supportive Community: We live as a family of equals in our access to the Holy Spirit as we listen to and support one another spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Resolution for 2023: Flourishing Christian community based on love and relationships

Resolution for 2024: Grace is simple acceptance


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